न हि ज्ञानेनसदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते॥

Arsha Vidya Pitham, Saylorsburg, PA

Friendship (The Essence ofVedic Marriage)


Friendship, The Essence of Vedic Marriage is a primer which is 12 pages long.
A Vedic marriage is an event with profound significance and it is a journey of friendship. For
the uninitiated it can be intimidating. This book provides a simple understanding of what it is to
be married in a Vedic ceremony. The book is written by Swami Dayananda Saraswati a
renowned teacher of Advaita Vedanta. He succeeds in writing with a style and clarity which will
appeal to every modern mind.
The purpose of marriage in the Vedic tradition is for emotional maturity and spiritual growth. It
is coming together of two people who are pilgrims and the ultimate destination is freedom.
The Vedic concept of marriage is about friendship and understanding. The mantras chanted
during the ceremony signify the two people in friendship who pledge to support each other
and use the marriage as a means for self- growth.